Blocks into bombs using events

Here is a very cool script again by the amazing author Martin O’Hanlon, you can right click block and have it explode like TNT in Minecraft.

Here is the code:

#Raspberry Pi, Minecraft Bombs - Turn any block into a bomb!

#import the module from the minecraft directory
import minecraft.minecraft as minecraft
#import minecraft block module
import minecraft.block as block
#import time, so delays can be used
import time
#import threading, so threads can be used
import threading

class ExplodingBlock(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, pos, fuseInSecs, blastRadius):
 #Setup object
 self.pos = pos
 self.fuseInSecs = fuseInSecs
 self.blastRadius = blastRadius

def run(self):
 #Open connect to minecraft
 mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()

#Get values
 pos = self.pos
 blastRadius = self.blastRadius

#Explode the block!
 # get block type
 blockType = mc.getBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
 # flash the block
 for fuse in range(0, self.fuseInSecs):
 mc.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, block.AIR)
 mc.setBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, blockType)
 # create sphere of air
 for x in range(blastRadius*-1,blastRadius):
 for y in range(blastRadius*-1, blastRadius):
 for z in range(blastRadius*-1,blastRadius):
 if x**2 + y**2 + z**2 < blastRadius**2:
 mc.setBlock(pos.x + x, pos.y + y, pos.z + z, block.AIR)

if __name__ == "__main__":

 #Connect to minecraft by creating the minecraft object
 # - minecraft needs to be running and in a game
 mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()

#Post a message to the minecraft chat window
 mc.postToChat("Minecraft Bombs, Hit (Right Click) a Block,")

#loop until Ctrl C
 while True:
 #Get the block hit events
 blockHits =
 # if a block has been hit
 if blockHits:
 # for each block that has been hit
 for blockHit in blockHits:
 #Create and run the exploding block class in its own thread
 # pass the position of the block, fuse time in seconds and blast radius
 # threads are used so multiple exploding blocks can be created
 explodingBlock = ExplodingBlock(blockHit.pos, 3, 3)
 except KeyboardInterrupt:

It’s also on the github

Source: Here

Minecraft Cannon

Hey back, I would like to show you guys a new script i found out there it allows you to play the classic game Snake by Martin O’Hanlon.


Here is a video i found on the page


#Raspberry Pi, Minecraft Snake

#import the module from the minecraft directory
import minecraft.minecraft as minecraft
#import minecraft block module
import minecraft.block as block
#import time, so delays can be used
import time
#import random module to create random number
import random

#snake class which controls the whole game
class Snake:
 def __init__(self, mc, startVec3, playingBottomLeft, playingTopRight): = mc
 self.direction = "up"
 self.lenght = 5
 self.tail = []
 self.tail.insert(0, startVec3)
 self.playingBottomLeft = playingBottomLeft
 self.playingTopRight = playingTopRight
 self.score = 0

#draw's the whole snake
 def draw(self):
 for segment in self.tail:, segment.y, segment.z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)

#add's one segment to the snake
 def addSegment(self, segment):, segment.y, segment.z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 self.tail.insert(0, segment)
 #do I need to clear the last segment
 if (len(self.tail) > self.lenght):
 lastSegment = self.tail[len(self.tail)-1], lastSegment.y, lastSegment.z, block.AIR)
 #pop the last segment off the tail

#moves the snake, if it cant it returns false (i.e. game over)
 def move(self):
 newSegment = minecraft.Vec3(self.tail[0].x, self.tail[0].y, self.tail[0].z)
 if self.direction == "up":
 newSegment.y = newSegment.y + 1
 elif self.direction == "down":
 newSegment.y = newSegment.y - 1
 elif self.direction == "left":
 newSegment.x = newSegment.x - 1
 elif self.direction == "right":
 newSegment.x = newSegment.x + 1
 if (self.checkCollision(newSegment) == False):
 #have I eaten the apple?
 if (matchVec3(newSegment, == True):
 #increase my lenght
 self.lenght = self.lenght + 2
 #increase my score
 self.score = self.score + 10
 #create a new apple
 return True
 #game over
 #flash snake head
 mc.setBlock(self.tail[0].x, self.tail[0].y, self.tail[0].z, block.AIR)
 mc.setBlock(self.tail[0].x, self.tail[0].y, self.tail[0].z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 mc.setBlock(self.tail[0].x, self.tail[0].y, self.tail[0].z, block.AIR)
 mc.setBlock(self.tail[0].x, self.tail[0].y, self.tail[0].z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 #show score
 mc.postToChat("Game over - score = " + str(self.score))
 return False

#function to check if a new segment (or apple) can go there
 def checkCollision(self, newSegment):
 #am I going the boundary
 if ((newSegment.x == playingBottomLeft.x) or (newSegment.y == playingBottomLeft.y) or (newSegment.x == playingTopRight.x) or (newSegment.y == playingTopRight.y)):
 return True
 #or my own tail
 hitTail = False
 for segment in self.tail:
 if (matchVec3(segment, newSegment) == True):
 hitTail = True
 return hitTail

#function to change the snake's direction
 def changeDirection(self, newDirection):
 #code to make sure user doesnt try and make the snake move back on itself
 if (newDirection == "up"):
 if (self.direction != "down"): self.direction = newDirection
 elif (newDirection == "down"):
 if (self.direction != "up"): self.direction = newDirection
 elif (newDirection == "left"):
 if (self.direction != "right"): self.direction = newDirection
 elif (newDirection == "right"):
 if (self.direction != "left"): self.direction = newDirection

#create the apple at a random position on the board
 def createApple(self):
 badApple = True
 #loop until an apple is created which doesnt collide with the boundary or the snake
 while (badApple == True):
 x = random.randrange(playingBottomLeft.x, playingTopRight.x)
 y = random.randrange(playingBottomLeft.y, playingTopRight.y)
 z = playingBottomLeft.z
 newApple = minecraft.Vec3(x, y, z)
 badApple = self.checkCollision(newApple) = newApple,,, block.GLOWING_OBSIDIAN)

#Compares vec3 objects, if they are the same returns true
def matchVec3(vec1, vec2):
 if ((vec1.x == vec2.x) and (vec1.y == vec2.y) and (vec1.z == vec2.z)):
 return True
 return False

#draws a vertical outline
def drawVerticalOutline(mc, x0, y0, x1, y1, z, blockType, blockData=0):
 mc.setBlocks(x0, y0, z, x0, y1, z, blockType, blockData)
 mc.setBlocks(x0, y1, z, x1, y1, z, blockType, blockData)
 mc.setBlocks(x1, y1, z, x1, y0, z, blockType, blockData)
 mc.setBlocks(x1, y0, z, x0, y0, z, blockType, blockData)

#main program
if __name__ == "__main__":

 screenBottomLeft = minecraft.Vec3(-10,4,15)
 screenTopRight = minecraft.Vec3(10,24,15)
 playingBottomLeft = minecraft.Vec3(-10, 4, 14)
 playingTopRight = minecraft.Vec3(10, 24, 14)
 snakeStart = minecraft.Vec3(0, 5, 14)
 upControl = minecraft.Vec3(0, -1, 1)
 downControl = minecraft.Vec3(0, -1, -1)
 leftControl = minecraft.Vec3(-1, -1, 0)
 rightControl = minecraft.Vec3(1, -1, 0)
 middleControl = minecraft.Vec3(0, 0, 0)

 #Connect to minecraft by creating the minecraft object
 # - minecraft needs to be running and in a game
 mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()

#Post a message to the minecraft chat window
 mc.postToChat("Hi, Minecraft Snake,")

 #Build game board
 # clear a suitably large area
 mc.setBlocks(-10, 0, -5, 10, 25, 16, block.AIR)
 # create playing board
 mc.setBlocks(screenBottomLeft.x, screenBottomLeft.y, screenBottomLeft.z, screenTopRight.x, screenTopRight.y, screenTopRight.z, block.STONE)
 drawVerticalOutline(mc, playingBottomLeft.x, playingBottomLeft.y, playingTopRight.x, playingTopRight.y, playingTopRight.z, block.OBSIDIAN)

 # create control buttons
 mc.setBlock(upControl.x, upControl.y, upControl.z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 mc.setBlock(downControl.x, downControl.y, downControl.z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 mc.setBlock(leftControl.x, leftControl.y, leftControl.z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 mc.setBlock(rightControl.x, rightControl.y, rightControl.z, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK)
 # blocks around control buttons, to stop player moving off buttons
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x + 2,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x - 2,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z + 2, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z - 2, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x - 1,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z - 1, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x - 1,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z + 1, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x + 1,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z + 1, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x + 1,middleControl.y + 1,middleControl.z - 1, block.GLASS)
 mc.setBlock(middleControl.x,middleControl.y - 1,middleControl.z, block.STONE)
 # put player in the middle of the control
 mc.player.setPos(middleControl.x + 0.5,middleControl.y,middleControl.z + 0,5)

#time for minecraft to catchup

mc.postToChat("Walk forward, backward, left, right to control the snake")

#create snake
 snake = Snake(mc, snakeStart, playingBottomLeft, playingTopRight)

playing = True

 #loop until game over
 while playing == True:
 #sleep otherwise the snake moves WAY too fast
 #get players position - are they on a control tile, if so change snake's direction
 playerTilePos = mc.player.getTilePos()
 playerTilePos.y = playerTilePos.y - 1
 if matchVec3(playerTilePos, upControl) == True: snake.changeDirection("up")
 elif matchVec3(playerTilePos, downControl) == True: snake.changeDirection("down")
 elif matchVec3(playerTilePos, leftControl) == True: snake.changeDirection("left")
 elif matchVec3(playerTilePos, rightControl) == True: snake.changeDirection("right")
 #move the snake
 playing = snake.move()
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
 print "stopped"

Note! I changed the glowing obsidian aka ‘The Snakes food’ to a gold blocks because i was testing it on raspberry juice

Here is a link to the original thread!

It’s also on the github @